

History of the Department

The Department of Accounting and Finance is part of the School of Business Administration of the University of Macedonia. The University of Macedonia has a long history that dates since 1930 and you are invited to browse it here.
The Department of Accounting and Finance was established with the P.D. 147/90, article 2 (Government Gazette 56A / 10-04-90) based in Thessaloniki along with the renaming of the former School of Higher Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki to “University of Macedonia Economics and Social Sciences”, which later renamed University of Macedonia. The degrees awarded by the Department of Accounting and Finance are equal and in correspondence, as per the current legislation, with University degrees by Economics or Business Administration departments, by the Accounting department of ASOEE or by other Schools of Industrial Studies (article 6 PD 147/90).

The mission of the Department, according to the founding Government Gazette, article 3, is to “promote and disseminate knowledge through research and teaching in the scientific field of Accounting and Finance and to train top executives who can meet the needs of businesses and organizations of the private and Public Sector”

In 2013, the School of Business Administration (PD 88/90, Government Gazette 129 / 5-6-2013 τ.Α ‘) is established, which consists of the Department of Business Administration and Management and the Department of Accounting and Finance.

Who should apply?

This program is ideal for students who:
Have a strong analytical mindset
Enjoy problem-solving and working with numbers
Are interested in global financial trends and systems
Aspire to become leaders in the finance and accounting sector

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