Health insurance

Health Insurance

Students from EU countries
Students for European Union are entitled to medical services on the bases of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) covering the entire period of studying. This card is available through the Health Board (Health Insurance Institutions) in your home country.
Please see the EHIC website for information on how to get the card in your country.
Students from non EU countries
The participants themselves are responsible for the insurance costs from the grant received for the realization of the mobility activity, if not covered by other means.
Health Insurance Coverage [Mandatory for studies and traineeships]
Basic health insurance coverage might be provided by the national health insurance of the student during his/her stay in another country. However, the coverage of the basic health Insurance or private insurance may not be sufficient, especially in case of repatriation and specific medical intervention. In that case, a complementary private insurance might be useful.
General Liability Insurance Coverage for Third Party [Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships]
The Participant must have General Liability Insurance Coverage for Third Party concerning personal injury and / or damages caused by her / him as a person in the course of ordinary activities in the workplace/study place resulting from accidents at work place.
Personal Accident Insurance coverage [Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships]
Personal Accident Insurance coverage is related to the student’s tasks (covering at least damages caused to the student at the study place/ workplace):
Personal Accident Insurance coverage is not provided by the Host Institution (University of Macedonia), the Participant is covered by private insurance from his/her own resources concerning personal injury and / or damages caused to her/him as a person in the course of ordinary activities at the study place/workplace resulting from accidents, during his/her stay in Greece (this type of insurance is highly recommended).

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